Tutoring is now online and on campus. Click on the link below for the tutoring schedule and find a time that works for you. Email the tutor you select and request a tutoring session.

How to access online tutoring:

  • Review your schedule and select tutoring hours that work well with your schedule.
  • Use the email under the tutor’s name and send an email requesting a tutoring session.
  • Once the tutor receives your email they will respond with their Zoom ID number.
  • Use the Zoom ID number to log into the session.


Tutors will not respond or tutor outside of their scheduled hours.

All tutoring sessions are group sessions and are subject to staff monitoring for quality control.

The goal of the Learning Center is to provide learning support services in multiple disciplines through tutoring by peer and professional Learning Associates. The Center increases student engagement in the learning process, promotes a greater understanding of the tutored subjects, and supports overall student retention and academic success.

Students require no appointments and can utilize tutoring services on a walk-in basis. Learning Associates typically tutor students in small groups. Information about services, times, and subject tutors is available on a semester schedule of services Additionally, the Center offers Midterm and Final Exam Reviews, and Move-Up and Summer Bridge Workshops.​

You are invited to visit the Learning Center in the A. Zachary Yamba Building, 2nd level at 303 University Avenue, Newark NJ 07102.


Ledawn Hall

Director, Learning Center
303 University Avenue, 2nd level
Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: (973) 877-3596

Email: [email protected]

Blanca Filian
Technical Assistant, Learning Center
303 University Avenue, 2nd level
Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: (973) 877-3211

Email: [email protected]