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Yadira Rosales, ECC’s Student Government Association (SGA) President, has been honored with the 2023 Essex County Althea Gibson Leadership Award. Yadira received the award at Essex County’s Women’s History Month event on Wednesday, March 22. The annual program is organized by Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.
“What an honor it is to receive this award. I wouldn’t be standing here today without the strong women who have come before me,” Yadira, a Computer Science major from Bloomfield, told the audience at the County’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Justice Building.
Yadira was nominated for the award by ECC Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Keith Kirkland for her commitment to issues aimed at improving people’s lives.
The SGA President is active with the organization Citizens’ Climate Lobby, an international grassroots environmental group. “I eventually want to work with companies who advocate for communities affected by climate change, as well as drawing attention to our environmental crisis through apps and websites. I would like to help people stay informed on the ways change affect our everyday lives and things we can do to help our planet.”
From an environmental standpoint, Yadira also volunteered for the Newark Water Coalition.
Three students from the Essex County Vocational High Schools also were recognized at the March 22 program.