Essex County College Facts
Degrees & Programs
Continuing Education
Workforce Training & Business Solutions
Paying for College
Path to ECC
Student Life
Campus Information
Student Services
Why ECC?
Essex County College seeks to provide links to key information that will allow students and the general public to make informed decisions about our college and post-secondary education in general. We urge you to check this site regularly as we add more information for students and visitors.
This site complies with federal regulations (“Student Right-to-Know” and Campus Security Act” – P.L. 101-542, the “Family Educational Right and Privacy Act” or FERPA, federal non-discrimination policies including the Americans with Disabilities Act, and public health and safety laws) as well as state laws. Essex County College is accredited by the Middle State Commission on Higher Education and has professional accreditation for many of its programs.
Information is also available at the New Jersey Higher Education website:
Notice of Nondiscrimination