Academic advisement is a collaborative process between you, the student, and an advisor/mentor to help you reach your educational, professional, and personal goals.

At ECC, all students are encouraged to meet with an advisor each semester before registration for the following semester. Students are strongly urged to get advised as early as possible to ensure the earliest registration possible. Additionally, students are encouraged to consult with an advisor before making any major academic changes (i.e. dropping/withdrawing from a course, changing majors, etc.).

Student Types for Advisement

Incoming Freshman/New First-Time Freshman – Students new to ECC for the upcoming term and who have never enrolled in courses at another institution

If you are a new student pursuing a degree or certification, once you have received your admissions requirements, submitted all necessary documentation, and have taken your placement tests, you will then get advised in the Advisement Center in the Red Area-1st Floor by one of our New Student Advisors!

New Student AdvisorPhoneRoomEmail
Kathy Whitlockx3273Red Area 1125[email protected]
Garry Sybrunx3454Blue Area-Room 2182[email protected]
Jean Roody Michelx3178Red Area 1114[email protected]
Sheena Everettex4481Red Area 1112[email protected]
X’Kia Reynolds (Business)x4423Business Division Room[email protected]
Samantha Nieves-Silvax1941Red Area Rm. 1104[email protected]

You can also book an appointment with your new student advisor here.

Continuing, Transfer & Re-Admit Students:

  • Transfer Students– Students transferring into ECC for the first time in the upcoming term. Transfer students will have completed course(s) at one or more post-secondary institutions.
  • Continuing Students – Students who are currently enrolled at ECC in a degree-seeking program
  • Readmitted Students – Students who have previously taken courses at ECC, but have been separated from the college for at least three years and want to return to finish their degree

If you are a transfer, continuing, or readmitted student, and you know your major, you can connect directly with your Academic Advisor/Mentor for advisement:

Ehsan AlizadehWest Essex Campusx1920One Stop [email protected]
Johnathan FuentesBio, Chem, Physicsx3522Room 2143 (Blue Area)[email protected]
Baldelit NunezSocial Sciencex1876Room 3265 (Social Science)[email protected]
Wed HernandezHumanities & Bilingual Studiesx3527Room 1136 (Red Area)[email protected]
Hector RiveraRed Area Advisementx3136Room 1130 (Red Area[email protected]
Leroy JohnMath, Engineering Tech, Computer Sciencex3329T225 (CFT)[email protected]
Shawn YearwoodBusinessx3326Room 3180 (Business Area)[email protected]
Jennifer Maria HernandezBiology, Chemistry & Physicsx1945Room 2142 (Blue Area)[email protected]

You can also book an appointment with your Academic Advisor/Mentor here.

Non-matriculated and Visiting Students

Non-Matric/Non-Degree  As a non-matriculated (non-degree) student, you may take any course you meet the prerequisite/s. If you are planning to enroll in a course that requires a prerequisite, you must show proof of having met the prerequisite through prior testing or college coursework (i.e. transcript/grade report).

If you require assistance, please contact Hector Rivera at [email protected].

Visiting Student While advisement assistance at ECC is available, visiting students planning to return to their home college/university should consult with their home college/university academic advisor to ensure the classes they are taking at ECC will transfer back to their home institution.

Students planning to enroll in a course that requires a prerequisite must show proof of having the prerequisite through prior testing, college coursework (transcript/grade report) or a note from an advisor from your home institution approving your selection. Although advisement is strongly recommended, you can register without meeting with an advisor. If you choose to register without seeking advisement, you should review your degree worksheet first before registering

An Advisor is Expected to:An Advisee is Expected to:

• Be available, approachable, and respectful of students
• Encourage and support students as they develop realistic goals and attainable educational plans
• Have a thorough understanding of Essex County College Gen. Ed. curriculum, institutional requirements, and degree requirements
• Be efficient and accurate when discussing degree requirements with advisees
• Assist students in developing decision-making skills and encourage them to accept responsibility for their choices
• Maintain confidentiality
• Be knowledgeable about campus resources, support services, and opportunities; referring students as needed
• Be respectful of their advisor
• Schedule appointments with their advisor via hyperlink bookings and be on time
• Be prepared for appointments by becoming familiar with the Essex County College Catalog (hyperlink), GenEd curriculum, and program of study for their major
• Check their ECC email regularly and become familiar with Single Sign On (SSO) portal
• Ask questions
• Familiarize themselves with the academic calendar (hyperlink) and be aware of important deadlines, such as advisement and withdrawal
• Accept responsibility for their decisions