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Essex County College was well represented on Sunday, October 15, at the American Cancer Society’s 26th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Newark.The Essex County College Pacesetters contingent of 90 participants raised $1,539 (as of October 16) for cancer research.
“We surpassed our original fundraising goal in just three weeks, ranking 18th out of 375 teams. We were the only college in the top 20 and that’s especially gratifying as we celebrate 55 Year of Student Success,” said Nursing Professor Jennifer Chapman, who spearheaded ECC’s efforts.
Professor Chapman credited the full team of Essex County Collège Community Supporters for making ECC’s effort an overwhelming success. Departments involved included Student Affairs, Student Life & Activities Office, Student Development and Counseling, Student Nursing Organization, and the Student Step Team.
During the walk, the team chanted “ECC standing strong. We are proof, breast cancer takes the boot!”