ECC Men’s Relay Team Wins at Millrose Games

Top, from left, Carl Drakes and Khabeeba Mills. Bottom, from left, Mohamed Soumare and Daniel Cunningham

Essex County College’s Men’s 4×400 meter relay team reigned supreme at the prestigious Millrose Games, held Saturday, January 29, at The Armory, New York City. The Wolverine team captured the title

in the 4×400 meter College Relay, besting a field of 4-year colleges and universities. 

“Congratulations to our student-athletes on such a great showing,” ECC Athletic Director Michael Doughtie said of Carl Drakes, Khabeeba Mills, Mohamed Soumare and Daniel Cunningham.  The team, coached by Lionel Leach, won the relay with a time of 3:20.83, a full second ahead of the second-place team from St. Francis College of Brooklyn.

The full race is available for viewing here:

“The sky is the limit for these young men; few athletes can lay claim to winning the Millrose Games  4×400 meter College Relay. I am so proud of them. Many more titles will follow if they stay the course,” said Coach Leach.

 “A wonderful showing by our outstanding student-athletes. I applaud our team, Coach Leach, Athletic Director Doughtie and our entire College Athletic Department. We are very proud of you,” said ECC’s President, Dr. Augustine A. Boakye. 

The ECC Women’s 4×400 meter relay team finished fourth in their race.  Delverna Broomfield, Kayla Charles, Megan Thompson, and Zoey-Ann Wint ran for Essex.