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Thanksgiving Food Giveaway volunteers
In recognition of National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week, the College held a Thanksgiving Food Giveaway for students on Tuesday, November 21. Over 100 students received a total of 2,285 pounds of food, said Dr. Leigh Bello, Associate Dean for Student Affairs/Special Projects.
“Hopefully we were able to make the Thanksgiving holiday a little brighter for these students,” Dr. Bello said.
The giveaway, in the Clara Dasher Student Center on the Newark campus, provided the students a wide range of food from which to choose. The event was co-sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs, Student Life & Activities Office, and the Student Government Association.
Dr. Bello said the food donations came from a variety of sources. They included 10 turkeys from the West Caldwell ShopRite, eight full baskets of food (including turkeys) from IMAC Insurance Agency, 30 $25 gift cards from the ECC Board of Trustees, 25 bags of food from Training, Inc., two cases of canned goods from ECC Community Education’s Harvest Fest, and donations from College staff and students to the annual Can-Can Food Drive.