Essex County College Facts
Degrees & Programs
Continuing Education
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Path to ECC
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Campus Information
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Why ECC?
What are the technical requirements for Remote Courses?
To take online courses, you need consistent access to a computer with high-speed internet access, a video camera, and a microphone. Chromebooks should not be used to take remote classes.
What is an online course?
An Online Course is a course where 100% of the content is delivered using the Learning Management System, Moodle. There are no required F2F meetings. Online course sections are designated as OL sections for regular term and OM for the Late Start of the term (these classes typically start 2 weeks after the beginning of a regular semester).
Can others work for me?
Only registered students may complete online coursework. Providing your username and password to a third party (family members, services, etc) is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Students may receive failing grades and/or disciplinary action (including expulsion) for online cheating.
What is the estimated time requirements for online courses?
Online courses require as much time investment as traditional courses. In a regular semester, you should expect to spend at least 3 hours per week doing course work in addition to several hours of study time per week. Winter and Summer sessions have more intense requirements since the class times are shorter.
Can I take online courses on my phone/tablet?
It is recommended that a student use a laptop or personal computer. If you need access to a computer, please fill out the student loaner request form (supplies limited) or visit, or learn more about the Affordable Connectivity Program by visiting
Where can I get help?[email protected]