Even when your courses are entirely or mostly online, there are still several options for how to arrange research instruction for your students:

  • Request an Information Literacy session for your class through this Please note, faculty should submit their requests at least two weeks prior to the scheduled session. All forms can be emailed to [email protected] and are also available in paper format at the library.
  • Contact a librarian to arrange customized instruction via Zoom. This could take multiple forms, from something as simple as a synchronous virtual meeting with your class to something as complex as developing a new asynchronous module. Please be aware, however, that creating custom instruction takes time, especially if it means developing new resources. Please reach out to your librarian as early as possible and we can work together on deciding what type of instruction will meet your needs.
  • Schedule a consultation for an in-depth conversation with a librarian at [email protected]. We will respond within one business day.
  • ECC Subscription to “Chronicle of Higher Education” Coverage 1988 – Present 
    Please note, you need to create an account on the CHE website to log in and access.