College Board Testing Tips & Examples

  • Relax! ACCUPLACER was designed to help you succeed in college. Your score helps you and your advisor determine which courses are most appropriate for your current level of knowledge and skills. Once you identify your academic strengths and needs, you can get the help you need to improve underdeveloped skills before they can interfere with your learning.
  • You will be able to concentrate better on the test if you get plenty of rest and eat properly prior to the test. You should also arrive a few minutes early so you can find the testing area, bathrooms, etc., and gather your thoughts before the test begins.
  • Pay careful attention to directions, and be sure you understand the directions before you begin each test.
  • If you do not know the answer to a question, try to eliminate one or more of the choices.
  • Bring your Essex County College ID#.
  • No one can join in once testing starts. So please be prompt!
  • If you have a test waiver, bring the waiver.
  • No electronics are permitted.
  • The exam is about 3 ½ hours. So plan accordingly.

The current Accuplacer Placement Test parts include:

ESL WritePlacerWritePlacer
Next-Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and StatisticsNext-Generation Reading
 Next-Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics