Essex County College Facts
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Why ECC?
Division of Health Sciences
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Procedures to Address Program Complaints
INTRODUCTION: Students, faculty, and staff have policies and procedures for filing complaints that are within the realm of due process. The appropriate student or faculty publication should be obtained and followed. For complaints that fall outside of the realm of due process, such as complaints about the program from clinical education sites, employers of graduates, and the public, the following policy and procedures should be used.
POLICY: The Division values the concerns and complaints that might arise from parties outside the College’s Due Process system and strives to respond to such concerns and complaints in a timely, fair, and appropriate manner.
DEFINITION OF A COMPLAINT: A complaint will be considered bona fide when the maker submits it in written, signed format or speaks with the Chairperson or Dean who notes the complaint in written format and indicates the name of the maker of the complaint.