Essex County College Facts
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How can I change my insurance carrier?
You can change your insurance carrier once each year during Open Enrollment which is the month of October. New coverage takes effect on January 1, of the following year.
When can I add my new dependent to my benefit plan?
You have 60 days from the event date (marriage, birth, etc) to add the new dependent. If you miss that opportunity, you must wait until Open Enrollment in the month of October. Coverage will take effect on January 1, of the following year.
I need a pension loan, what do I do?
You can apply on-line at the Division of Pensions website if you are a PERS, TPAF, or PFRS participant. For loan information and application form click here or visit
ABP participants will need to call their selected carrier.
How can I change my beneficiary for life insurance?
The Designation of Beneficiary Form is available on our website under Documents & Forms or in the Human Resources Department. You can change your beneficiary as many times as you like.
To change your beneficiary for pension purposes, the above referenced form can be used by PERS, TPAF, and PFRS participants. Alternate Benefit Program participants need to contact their investment carrier for their change or beneficiary form.
Is medical or dental coverage available when my child is no longer my dependent?
Yes. For medical coverage your child can be covered under COBRA for a maximum period of 36 months or Chapter 375 coverage for children to age 30. Both types of coverage are voluntary and are paid for by the employee or the insured. For more information visit:
Can I pay off a pension loan early? How do I get a pay off figure?
Yes, you can pay off a pension loan early. If you are a PERS, TPAF, or PFRS participant, you will need to call Client Services at the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits at (609) 292-7524, give them the date you wish to pay off the loan and they will provide you with a pay off quote. ABP participants will need to contact their related carrier.
Is it possible to purchase service that is pensionable?
If you are a PERS, TPAF, or PFRS participant, you may be eligible to do so. Time that can be purchased includes temporary time immediately preceding a permanent appointment, time not earned while on medical leave without pay, military time, time from a previous membership, employment with other public agencies, out-of-state public employment and U.S. government employment. Forms are available on line at the Division of Pension website.
If I want to change doctors, who do I contact?
You will need to contact you health carrier directly to change your primary care physician. Be sure to ask the Customer service Representative when the change will become effective.
Is there a waiting period before my insurance goes into effect?
Yes, you will have a 60 waiting period before your health coverage goes into effect.
At what age are my children eligible for dental coverage?
Your children are eligible for dental coverage from the age of two. Be sure to add your eligible children at their second birthday.
Can I access my state benefits profile online?
Yes. As a member of a New Jersey State-Administered pension fund, you may now access the Member Benefits Online System (MBOS). MBOS is a set of Internet based applications that allow registered members quick and easy access to pension and health benefit account information.
Before you can begin using the system, you must be registered with MBOS.
To begin the MBOS registration process click here.