The Office of Institutional Advancement encompasses public relations, publications, alumni relations, advertising, and development. The Office develops and strengthens relationships with alumni, businesses, government, and community organizations to provide individuals, corporate, and foundation support for our mission. The Office helps identify potential funding opportunities including private foundations, corporations, individual donors, and State and Federal sources. The office works with the ECC foundation, the college’s not-for-profit organization whose sole mission is to support the college. The Foundation Board provides leadership to ECC by acquiring and stewarding financial resources to fund student scholarships that help our students succeed. The Department is solely responsible for the marketing and branding of the college.

Institutional Advancement Team

  • Alfred Bundy, Executive Director
  • Yvette Jefferies, College Advancement & Foundation
  • Wayne Yourstone, Senior Newswriter
  • Jayson Hull, Marketing Assistant
  • Nicole Stewart, Administrative Assistant
  • Kiana Fitz, Senior Graphic Designer
  • Arcadio Cruz, Graphic Designer
  • David James, Graphic Designer
  • Adewale Thompson, Alumni Liaison Officer